The LKG Agency specializes in children’s fiction and non-fiction, primarily middle grade and young adult fiction. With children’s, Lauren is primarily drawn to contemporary and magical realism but is open to high fantasy, sci-fi, thriller, almost everything except maybe horror. Lauren can’t even watch a horror movie – jump scares are the worst!
The agency no longer considers adult non-fiction, and is not open to any other fiction, other than Middle Grade or Young Adult.
How to submit: For middle grade and young adult submissions, please send a query, full and complete synopsis, and the first three (3) chapters, and address all submissions to For any general queries, please reach out to
If we are interested in a project, we will let you know. The LKG Agency makes an effort to read to all relevant queries within two to three months. If we are not interested, we will not respond. We get that it’s hard to send something in and not get a response but as a small operation, if the agency had to respond to thousands of queries, it wouldn’t actually be able to represent current authors. If we express interest, all subsequent materials should be sent as email attachments, in .doc or .docx format. Please do not send any attachments as a pdf.
Due to the high volume of submissions, the agency is unable to reply to every one. If you do not receive a reply, please consider that a rejection.