You know that old adage, “If at first you don’t succeed, try try again,” that we heard from our parents over and over again? I can recall my mother’s voice, delivering the mantra in that annoying sing-songy way, to this day. Ugh. Well, as a kid I couldn’t stand it. I remember mimicking it […]
Author Archive | Caitlen Rubino-Bradway

Narrative Non-Fiction and Memoir
All right, we’ve dealt with what we’re looking for in practical, prescriptive non-fiction. Now onto the next biggest category of non-fiction that we get submissions for: narrative and memoir. Let’s start with the good news — unlike with prescriptive, you don’t need those fancy letters after your name for narrative and memoir. All you need […]

Dear Agent – Part 2
Now we get to the nitty gritty (more of those clichés) of what to pitch. Most of what LKG sells is prescriptive non-fiction aimed at women. Basically how to everything. How to fashion and style, how to beauty, lots and lots of how to diet, health, nutrition, and fitness, and perhaps even more how to […]

Dear Agent
Sadly there is also no room for zombies on the non-fiction side of our list. As Caitlen wrote, children’s fiction is new to LKG Agency, but non-fiction is our bread and butter, it’s right in our wheelhouse, it’s squarely on our radar. How many other clichés can I conjure up in this one short blog? […]

Middle Grade & YA
When I first joined the LKG Agency as Lauren’s Chief Cook & Bottle Washer back in 2008 (wow — 2008? Seriously? When did that become five years ago?), the agency was 99% non-fiction. The 1% was a middle grade children’s book, the last survivor of Lauren’s initial impulse, when starting the LKG Agency, to handle […]